How to Start a Consumer Loan Business
Starting or improving a payday loan, car title loan, consumer loan store or Internet business.
Details of our "The Biz of Lending Money to the Masses: Bible"
Why purchase a consumer loan - payday loan franchise or spend months trying to figure out this business when our 400+ page
"The Business of Lending Money to the Masses Startup & Training Bible", containing contracts, forms, disclosures, letters,
marketing materials, and more, will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know.
Learn how to successfully start, operate or improve a Payday Loan business, an Installment Loan business, a Car Title Loan business... All the "how-to" forms, brochures, license applications, strategies, tactics, sample documents, flyers, controls, etc., are THOROUGHLY discussed in detail.
Who is this "The Business of Lending Money to the Masses" for? Business entrepreneurs, new consumer lenders, payday loan entrants, installment loan lenders, experienced "players" looking for creative ideas, vendors, lawyers and accountants serving the consumer loan industry, academics, investors and hedge fund management - virtually anyone with a need for in-depth knowledge and access to the economic metrics of a consumer facing loan business via the Internet or brick-n-mortar enterprises.
Why do we sell this Course? Why does our founder Jer answer our phone? We've sold over 4000 PDL Courses since 1998. We update our "The Business of Lending Money to the Masses" Course several times every year. Our "Consumer Loan Bible" opens doors, starts a dialog, enables us to share ideas with our peers and stay on top of the consumer loan industry. Laws change. New marketing, technology and collection "tools" are introduced to the industry regularly.
The example documents we provide you with in addition to the "Course" are set-up so you may substitute your company name, address, phone number, etc., on the forms, print them out, and use them immediately! (Get the Adoba Acrobat version and we'll email ALL these docs and forms via
Make no mistake. These forms have been developed after MUCH trial and error. Their use will save you from the grief involved in dealing with a loan "gone bad.". Remember, just one "bad" loan can cost you in excess of $500 plus YOUR TIME!! We guarantee you will reduce your losses by using our "The Business of Lending Money to the Masses Training Bible."
If our "Business of Lending Money to the Masses Bible" prevents you from entering into a SINGLE "bad" loan you will have paid for our Manual. Our "Course" will pay for itself many, many, times over!
Got a question? Need specific info about your state or province? Call Jer now: 702-208-6736 PDT. (If we miss your call, leave a message.)Or BETTER, shoot an email to:
Reminder! You will have to work hard. Millions of consumers world-wide want and need payday loans. However, you will have serious competetion and you'll have your work cut-out for you.
To achieve success and make SERIOUS MONEY you need information. Our "Bible" covers the following topics:
Comprehensive training for starting or improving a consumer loan business; both the store model and the Internet model
- Download immediately in Adobe Acrobat
- Table of Contents
- Covers both store and Internet consumer loan businesses
- 500+ pages - Adobe Acrobat immediate download.
- To Be Successful, Do This
- Our Goal
- Macro-Overview of Micro-Lending: Payday, Car Title, Installment...
- Flash it's a Whole New Business - Quick hits and last Minute Observations
- Tribe, offshore, State/Province, Internet and Brick-n-Mortar licensing strategies
- 1st Look at the Internet Model
- Payday Loan Business Analysis
- Car Title Loan Business Analysis
- Installment Loan Business Analysis
- Line-of-Credit Loan Business Analysis
- Micro Loan Business Analysis
- Online Installment Loan Lending
- General Overview
- General Tactics
- Exhibits A - F
- Master Agreement
- Extension Procedures
- 3rd Party Collection Issues
- Manloading & Personnel
- How Much $$ Can You Earn - Profits
- Sub-Prime Consumer Reporting
- Software (LMS)
- Electronic Funds Transfer
- Demand for Internet Consumer Loans
- Marketing Other Than Search Engines
- Purchasing Loan Leads & Applications
- Email Strategies
- Mobile Friendly Website development
- Faxing of Documents. Pros & cons.
- Collections
- Determining APR Formula
- Default Rates
- Compliance Issues
- Licensing & Regulations
- Choice-of-Law Model
- State-by-State Model
- Sovereign/Tribe Model
- Offshore Model
- CSO>CAB Model
- Bank Model
- Creative Models
- Demographics
- Marketing, Branding and Advertising
- Tactics & Strategies
- Site Selection
- Consumer Lending and the Internet
- Internet Demographics
- Call Centers
- Prepaid, Stored Value & reloadable Cards
- Kiosks or Automated Financial Centers
- Additional Income Streams & Traffic Builders
- Obtaining Funds for Your Lending Business
- Bonds
- Western Union Services
- The Industry Trade Magazine (discount coupon included)
- List of State Regulatory Agencies
- Definitions
- Guide to Buying a Franchise
- Legal Resources - Lawyers
- Business Plan - Excel Spreadheet
- Final Thoughts on the Industry
- Sample Loan Contracts & Disclosure Forms
- Discussion of alternative methods for conducting Consumer Loans. (Internet Service Provider/cash rebate, Sale-Leaseback, Catalog sales, etc.
- Includes our Canadian Resources for Canadians
- Includes our Loan Software Report
- Includes Australian Loan Report for Australians
- Your investment? $150.00 [Visa, M/C, Amex, PayPal.]